Taking a leap of faith is often the most challenging part of starting your own business. You might be turning your back on a predictable career path or have faced hurdle after hurdle already, both of which can leave you asking, “...but what if I fail?”.
But what if you succeed?
In times of doubt and uncertainty, it can be reassuring to know that other budding entrepreneurs have taken their leap of faith and soared to new heights. PFA agents (and real-life couple) Amanda and Ron are a shining example of what stepping out of your comfort zone can look like — and how it can change your life. More specifically, in Amanda and Ron’s case, how it can bring you six-figure yearly earnings too.
Ron and Amanda came to PFA through a friend
Before they created their own business with PFA, both Amanda and Ron were experiencing the Millennial grind. Amanda was studying and working full-time; an ultrasound tech by day and taking classes at night.

Ron was in a similar field of work as a registered nurse, where he spent a lot of time in surgery and even more working overtime. He was happy, but his work/life balance was beginning to skew too heavily. He knew there should be more to life than just work — and so the couple began to consider alternative careers.
It was a high school friend who first introduced Amanda to PFA. He was enjoying so much success as an agent and believed that she could achieve the same. And while the message came somewhat out of the blue, after three missed calls (there’s that PFA tenacity we’re proud of!) Amanda’s friend eventually got through to her and Amanda figured “Well, I’ve got nothing to lose”.
Ron, on the other hand, took a little longer to come around. Amanda’s “good feeling” about PFA hadn’t struck him immediately and, in all honesty, he was confused at Amanda’s sudden change of direction. But after three to four months, and after he’d met the rest of Amanda’s PFA peers, everything fell into place.
Finding their way as partners in life and business
Some say that working together as a couple is fantastic. Others will tell you that it’s really hard. For Ron and Amanda, it started off pretty rough.
Ron had previous experience in business and wanted to take the lead in guiding Amanda through the process. This created some conflict, as Amanda wanted to create her own experiences and learn the ropes through trial and error.
So how did they sail through the storm?
Sticking at it and keeping the faith is Ron’s #1 tip for any couple struggling to work together. He’d seen other couples at PFA go through a similar journey and find success — which proved to him that it could be done.
PFA mentors had told Ron, ‘If your personal life isn’t right, it will bleed right into your business’, so the couple worked on becoming closer in their relationship. Having a shared vision is what ultimately drove them to work harder and dream bigger, together.
They realized that they wanted the same things out of life and that PFA could help make that happen. From that point onwards, it became natural for the pair to work side-by-side.
The positive ripple effects of joining PFA: “Change requires change”
PFA opened the door for Amanda and allowed her to dream big. She really started to believe that life could be what she wanted it to be, not what other people thought it should be.
For Ron, spending time with Amanda and his family was the main goal. His “traditional” career path as a nurse had cost him countless hours in overtime and he wanted that to end. He’s grateful to PFA not only for his improved mindset but also for the amount of time that it’s given him, now that he no longer has to work 16-hour days.
Ron has also left the ‘Sunday night blues’ far behind. He no longer thinks “Eurgh. I’ve got to work tomorrow.” He does work that inspires him and speaks to his heart.
So how can other young entrepreneurs do the same?
Ron and Amanda’s advice for other Millennial entrepreneurs...
Ron’s advice for other young people is simple: “Try everything”.
As a young person, you’re blessed with the time to do it, after all. You could experiment with different jobs for a few years at a time. And if it doesn’t work out? You’ve still got time to find out what makes you happy.
As Ron puts so succinctly: “Worst case scenario, you tried”.
For Ron and Amanda, PFA felt right very quickly. They knew that if they gave it their all for even just 3 years, that they could change their lives significantly. And they have.
Amanda’s biggest breakthrough moments...
If Ron’s experience with PFA has been about unlocking and appreciating time, for Amanda it has been about the impact her work has on other people. She’s realized that being a PFA business owner empowers her to create opportunities for other Millennials to live the lives that they want. She’s able to help parents spend more time with their kids and to do so not at the expense of professional development.
As a leader, she loves to see her team members hit milestones. Ron and Amanda were thrilled when they achieved a six-figure year, but when one of their team members did the same? Well, that feeling was “indescribable”.
What’s next for Ron and Amanda?
When Amanda first started PFA three years ago, her financial goal was to take over her parents’ mortgage and help them to retire early. The amazing part? She got there in just two years.
That means she’s achieved her ultimate goal already… and so who knows what the next year or two could bring!
This is just another great example of what’s possible as part of the PFA family. Ron describes his PFA journey as a continuous reminder to “think bigger”. That’s what he looks to his PFA mentors to help him achieve and with the support of his PFA team, peers, and business partner Amanda, we’ve got no doubt that these two will keep on stepping up and help others to do the same.
At the end of the day, Ron encourages everyone to see happiness as the ultimate measure of success. As a couple, they feel truly successful because they’re happy every day — and they’ve got the financial security and freedom of time to enjoy the life they lead.
Amanda and Ron’s ‘Breakthrough’ story is one of our favorites and you can watch the full interview with them here.