This is Part 2 of a series focusing on the women of PFA and their insights into what National Women’s History Month means to them personally, professionally, and for the future. In the first part of the series, we focused on two home office employees Leyde Reyes and Mixcy Dobles, and talked about what National Women’s History Month means to them. In Part 2, we reached out to more of PFA’s Home Office employees to gain insight into how PFA empowers women in the workplace. Here’s what they had to say:
How does PFA create opportunities for women to thrive?
Mixcy: PFA provides equal opportunities for women; upper management in our company is not only comprised of men but women as well, which demonstrates job equality.
Leyde: PFA creates opportunities for women by motivating them to hold leadership roles and take on different projects.
Chelsea: PFA creates equal opportunities for women by treating us as valuable members of the company. Our ideas and suggestions are always listened to, valued and respected.
Kelly: PFA is a level playing field. The company does not prefer males over females. They just want people who work hard.

The majority of the top performers in the field are women. Why do you think that is?
Mixcy: Women have the ability to sit down and focus on daily work objectives. Also, I truly believe that women are sometimes more patient than men when it comes to customer relations and that plays a very important role in this industry.
Leyde: Most women are go-getters, especially in this field. Also, I feel as if we are a bit more empathetic therefore create a more intimate connection with people in general.
Chelsea: I believe that having such a supportive company has helped, as well as women's natural ability to adapt and thrive in all circumstances.
Mary Beth: The playing field for being an agent seems to be equal. You are successful if you work hard, no matter if you are a man or a woman.
Kelly: These women understand the guidance and philosophy given by our CEO to be a kingmaker and not a king. They work hard to build their teams.

How has PFA empowered you, as a woman, in your professional career?
Mixcy: I grow as a professional every day at PFA. I thrive to provide the best agent support possible.
Leyde: I have, at times, taken on projects that I have not always been so comfortable with. Let's just say public speaking isn't my favorite. However, I am thankful for those experiences as these have allowed me to grow in my professional career and I've become a lot more comfortable taking on projects.
Chelsea: PFA has empowered me as a woman, and especially as a mother by understanding that family and work are both important. By making mothers feel like they don't have to choose between work and family, we are able to pour ourselves into our work without guilt.
Mary Beth: Seeing a strong, confident woman business owner in one of the main leadership roles here at the Home Office is very empowering. Susan sets a great example to always strive to be your best, roll up your sleeves to get the job done, and not be afraid to speak up with ideas and suggestions.
Kelly: PFA has allowed me to use my strengths to the fullest. I have been given the ball and I run with it.

What are some ways PFA has made it easy for working mothers to balance career and family?
Mixcy: I do not have small children but PFA assisted me in many ways during COVID-19. I am working from home but when I go to the office and see my coworkers, I feel happy and they feel happy too; we are a family.
Leyde: I am not a mother, however I have noticed PFA is really flexible when it comes to working mothers. PFA does offer maternity leave and also flexibility on working from home which is awesome, in my opinion.
Chelsea: PFA has made it possible for working mothers to feel like they are fulfilling both roles as mother and worker. Being able to work from home with my newborn has been such a blessing. With my oldest, I missed almost everything because I was always away working.
Mary Beth: Working from home has definitely afforded me more of a work-life balance because I'm not having to commute every day. I can end my day and still be able to cook dinner and eat with my family. I know it was an unintended consequence of the pandemic but it really goes a long way in helping to balance career and family.
Kelly: I have been able to tend to my children when needed and attend their activities as long as my work is current.

How has PFA made you feel like a valuable member of the home office team?
Mixcy: PFA is a BLESSING to me! I do not get tired of telling my family and friends how blessed I am to work for this company. The peaceful work environment, the amazing teamwork, and all the benefits the company has been adding little by little for employees has made PFA an even better place to work than when I started.
Leyde: I feel listened to. There is great communication within our team which is amazing! PFA has also provided much flexibility with COVID-19, which is great to see a company working hard to make sure their home team is taken care of.
Chelsea: PFA has always made me feel like a valued member of the company. My supervisor, James, has always come to me for ideas or suggestions to be sure that all team members feel heard.
Mary Beth: Our Weekly Team meetings are a great chance to catch up with everyone and make sure we are all moving in the right direction. We have a Karma points system where we can award points to someone as a shout-out for something positive they've done. And I know I can reach out to my coworkers with questions and they don't hesitate to help me.
Kelly: PFA makes me feel valued by using my experiences and asking for my input.
Thank you to all the women out in the field and in the PFA Home Office for inspiring us every day!
About PFA
At Premier Financial Alliance, we tell a different story in the financial services industry. Our focus is on protecting the dreams of the most underserved sector of the country: Middle America. We disrupt the status quo in financial services through life insurance you don't have to die to use. We do our business by six guiding principles: Leadership, Integrity, Passion, Impact, Diversity, and Simplicity.
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